Sports wagering and gambling
Jack Queen King Ace Bet The
Intellectual property
I, Prof. h.c. Dr. mult. Fatma Yildiz, hereby announce the intellectual creation of addiction-reducing (computer-) games, sports betting and gambling (2011) and disseminate them via the medium of the Internet.
All rights in this field belong to my person. In the event that any sector without my written permission in addictive games, sports betting and gambling acts, I quit criminal and civil actions. Likewise, copyright fees etc. are claimed.
In addition, I have already informed the relevant authorities.
The copyright law protects works according to § 2 (§§ 53, 54, 106 etc.) Universal Copyright Convention
© Sports bets and gambling can be addictive! we will win
© By risk and effects of gaming behavior speak with your doctor! (sentence published first 22.12.2019-13:59)
sports bets and gambling
Jack Queen King Ace Bet The
Faced by a steadily expanding market of sports wagering and gambling, addiction-causing games on site and on the Internet, I came up with a worldwide uniform solution. (1)
Sports wagering and gambling have already existed for thousands of years. - They had not been called sports wagering and gambling but games of dices or horse running / camel running. Backgammon alone is more than 4,000 years old. - (Wikipedia)
Sports with ball, sticks and stones existed already in ancient times. (2)
How has sports wagering and gambling been created? (3)
Sports wagering and gambling originated from people who participated in different sports. Sport has undergone new developments every century. Earlier the people had organized fights or had fought with swords and bet on it together, just as they do today with boxing, fighting or wrestling. (4)
My experiences and researches of more than 20 years in this area have shown that sports wagering and gambling have always operated in a grey zone. Up until now, neither the players nor the suppliers can freely participate in sports wagering or gambling. For decades, this has caused some dissatisfaction. On account of the fact that there are no uniform worldwide applicable directives, most of the actors involved do not know how they should behave. There has always existed a possibility in this area to operate legally without violating existing laws, nobody however has ever come up with it, but I would not want to elaborate on it any further. (5)
In the area of sports wagering and gambling, in spite of a possible way, any authorities and legal regulations are absent, while at the same time up until this day taxes and laws are not regulated by the countries accordingly. This does not only negatively affect players and suppliers, but also the countries themselves. The problems of the existing sports wagering, gambling and online offers become more and more apparent. (6)
The time, technology and humanity itself moves on account of the Internet in high speed. Today the brain must process more information than ever. The eye sees even more and stimulate our desires. The reach of sports wagering and gambling as well as online games have risen during the last 10 years on the Internet and dominate the whole sector. All countries are affected by this trend. Private suppliers and mediators offer their bets live on the Internet and in publicly accessible rooms such as betting agencies and Internet cafes etc., although it is forbidden. According to the applicable laws, the player is forbidden to play beyond his/her country. (7)
The amusement halls have already existed for over 30 years on site and online gambling has been available for approx. 6 years on the Internet. The betting offices and Internet bets were illegal up until 2012 in Germany as well as in many other countries. Therefore the suppliers were unable to offer legal bets and could not fulfill the demand in this direction. Sports wagering and gambling were held close and have thus not achieved acceptance by the wider population. This highly profitable branch of business had been neglected without generating income for the country, without offering opportunities to players and suppliers which has alongside caused addiction. The origin of addiction can be based on the non-existing order, security and control of the industry. (8)
Only a few countries in Europe and beyond permit sports wagering and gambling and have generated for themselves tax advantages. The suppliers coming from those places can provide their sports wagering and gambling not only in their own country, but in the whole of Europe and worldwide and the other states can do nothing against it on account of EU law or on account of non-existing laws against it. Consequently these countries can gain no inland revenue by those activities. There is no overview of the suppliers or of the income generated by those countries. (9)
Germany wanted to open up the sports wagering market in 2012 and tax it at 16.66% as well as assign 7 concessions (April 6th, 2011, 16:19/source: ZEIT ONLINE, DPA, AFP) and Schleswig - Holstein wanted to tax it at 20% and no restricted concessions (September 14th, 2011, 18:04/source: ZEIT ONLINE, AFP, DPA) and the suppliers were happy about that and put at ease. Consequently the sports wagering market was opened up with the gambling interstate agreement on 7/1/2012 and taxed at 5% as to encourage suppliers to come to Germany. Nevertheless, the suppliers have kept their headquarters in Malta and Gibraltar because these countries suddenly lowered their tax rates to 1% and removed the limitations on concessions. This was a worthwhile investment for these countries because almost all suppliers had established themselves in these EU member states on account of the given legal circumstances and tax related benefits. (10)
For the German suppliers, the determining factor why they have not moved their seat to Germany was the limitation on concessions. The work does not allow such limitation of 20 concessions, but opens up the market for all suppliers based on a licensing system. The concessions can be free or limited, but the market is freely available worldwide due to these licenses and the copyright law. One cannot hold only the restricted and non restricted concessions of the countries and keep control of the market, otherwise it would already be the case. (11)
The protection and order of the market can only succeed based on these licenses from bottom to top and from top to bottom as weak as due the interest of the license holders to keep others out. Likewise these rights generate a high income for the suppliers, on the other hand others do not meddle with the business of others - why should they? The competence and „a piece of public authority“ and security seems only feasible by these license rights. (12)
Sports wagering and gambling which should serve as a means for entertainment, unintentionally lead to addiction. This trend is promoted by today's modern online games and the Internet. Nevertheless, it should be the aim to protect the current and next generation from addiction as well as to provide a safe and fun atmosphere for responsible players. (13)
The main problem is that there is no uniform structure. There are no uniform systems, programs and taxes, but only bans. (14)
In this time and age with our technology, sports wagering and gambling cannot be limited to one location. Users surf on the Internet worldwide and not only in one country. The traders offer their services not only in one country but worldwide. The development of technology brings these circumstances automatically with itself, at the same time users have a right to play wherever they want. Hence, there must be some uniform legal framework. The limitations and bans by the countries must be revoked, because every player has the right to play or bet wherever they wish. The player has to come up with the means independently and not be limited by legal stipulations. (15)
Switzerland: (16)
A player from Germany cannot participate in sports wagering and gambling from 7/1/2019 on in Switzerland or the other way around because the directives and the control system, as well as the software do not allow it among other things (https://www.soaktuell.ch/index.php?page=/news/neues-geldspielgesetz-gilt-seit-1-juli-2019-schweiz-verbietet-auslaendische-wettanbieter_31573). Likewise it is known that issues in this matter are not easily addressed because there is no uniform set of rules like in criminal and traffic law. Therefore it leads to unintentional punishments. Switzerland has loosened, in the meantime, its legal stipulations in order to attract foreign suppliers (https://www.rontaler.ch/wirtschaftsnachrichten/diesunddas/die-umsetzung-des-geldspielgesetzes/) (17)
If we look at the slot machines in amusement halls, up until this day it is not possible to put up these machines in every country because there are no uniform customs procedures. For example, we do not have the single-armed slot machines that are so typical in America. This results from the fact that it is not permitted. Consider the machines manufactures by NOVO „Book of RA“, these exist in the amusement arcades in Germany and in Austria, however it is not possible to put up this popular machine in all countries. Should this really be the case? No, players everywhere should have the opportunity to play this machine and moreover the taxes must benefit every country. (18)
But why doesn’t it work? (19)
The reason moreover is that there are no uniform laws and directives, taxes, duty charges, licenses, further no assurance for the players and members and also no new developments and inventions. There are no professional lawyers in gambling or sports wagering law. This area has absolutely been neglected and needs organization and structure. (20)
There are no secure online sports wagering and gambling data benches, programs and hardware, as well as no protection of children and teenagers. Sports wagering and gambling deal with sport and not only sport should make fun and unite, but also sports wagering and gambling must be fun and should not cause addiction. The addiction must convert to fun! (21)
The system cannot function with different taxation systems, „no laws and directives“ in today’s globalized world. Though in the case of sports wagering, the tax rate of 5% was introduced for offline locations, but what is with the Internet? Nevertheless, in any other branch, taxes must be paid on consume, sales and purchases. (22)
About the gambling tax? (23)
Every city has set tax rates between 11% and 24%, some tax based on turnover and others based on profit. A tax rate for the Internet does not exist in any sector worldwide, but can be found in the paper. Gambling has existed for decades, but other than the mentioned areas no other sources of income for the countries exist. It merely exists the high entertainment tax for gambling machines, but there is no entertainment tax for sports wagering. The local owners in all sectors do pay rents and taxes, but not on the internet. Fairness? (24)
The Internet combines software and hardware. Where is the tax in this unusual area of programs, data benches on the Internet and on site. How should an area be controlled or order and security be provided, if there are no common levels which regulate it efficiently! (25)
As we have already seen, there are many issues to be addressed in the area of sports wagering and gambling in order to ensure the equality principle and balance. It is vital that the players are protected. This is indispensable for the population and the country. The country functions through order and this additional tax income is needed in the public hand. A country set up by federal states by which billions of new tax income are generated, the people can benefit better. (26)
Many things in life are well regulated, but in the new visual INTERNET WORLD, online games, sports wagering and gambling are not well managed. (27)
It must be possible that the player can participate worldwide without bans and limitations and it must be possible that the suppliers can offer their gambling offers and sports bets without bans, limitations and barriers etc. and it must be possible that the countries generate their income. It is an area of vital importance which needs supervision. (28)
Billions pass through the Internet and locations due to high demands, but up to 90% of the countries do not profit from it. The remaining countries also do not profit from it accordingly because the money cannot be tracked and gets stuck. (29)
This country offers no security and order and therefore does not take appropriate preventive measures against addiction. At the same time there are no offers for the already addicted players who have no sufficient means. This causes dangers which originate in the sphere of the user himself. The only addiction preventions are the advice centers which the player can contact via telephone. However, the money has already been spent with sports wagering and/or gambling and the phone call to the advice centre is liable to charges. It does not make sense! The paper deals with therapy methods in connection with other addictions which are accessible to the medical law. (30)
What now? Games and bets cannot be relinquished! The work shows the results in the full extent and explains the measures to be taken in order to prevent addiction and combat the disease successfully. Measures for the fight against addiction and protection of the youth are explained in detail and with visual representations within the paper. (31)
The addiction prevention of the lottery operators pulled back some of their more controversial advertising campaigns and added warnings against the risk of addiction as they are known in the pharma industry after some of the higher courts rendered decisions (https://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/sportwetten-auf-dem-rueckzug-1607653.html) in 2011. The private suppliers had nothing in their hands. With a sentence from the paper of 2012 - Sportwetten und Glücksspiele können süchtig machen! - (we bet win with WIN WIN) is the release for advertisements and locations not permitted. The advertisement for sports wagering and gambling should be aired between 20:00 till 6:00 o'clock and not the whole day where children and teenagers are exposed. This also applies to addiction-causing games. (32)
This includes the simple design of the locations (logo permissible). The hierarchy must be kept! The work also opens the doors for the advertisement by sports wagering and gambling companies as well as other suppliers such as FIFA concerning advertisement posters in the soccer stadiums which does not mean that the applicable copyright law should be infringed. (33)
„The finder receives the reward!“ (34)
Unfortunately, there is only one WIN WIN effect, but not for the users, members or the remaining 80% of the population which are not interested in sports wagering and gambling, but nevertheless equally concerned. Non-prospective customers have relatives and/or children which makes the life with sports wagering and gambling and addiction-causing games difficult. The countries absolutely enjoy no advantages, but rather only disadvantages. (35)
Moreover on the other hand, there is a lack of secure programs and ideas, above all the technical measures are not guaranteed worldwide in all areas of the Internet and locations. There is a lack of protection of children and teenagers, security and order. Accordingly the countries and courts cannot carry out the release. (36)
How does sports wagering and gambling software operate? (37)
The programs are simply structured and unsorted. The player is lured by offering 100 bonus points and more and thereby registers with different e-mail accounts to receive these bonus points to feed his addiction. The supplier only pays taxes in the country where he is registered and all the other countries from which players register from, receive no tax income at all. Can this be fair? Protection of children and teenagers is not given and danger warnings or tips are not shown. The teenagers can simply see these programs on the Internet, use them and can even go around security mechanism. (38)
The solution and the desired aim of this work are games with points which can be acquired by playing and which can be converted into money. The money and the points are mutually convertible. At the same time, these points can be sent to another user worldwide. The user can convert these points into money and use them for sports wagering and gambling, online games or possible other goods and services. The only limitation should be the transfer of the points to another user to avoid money-laundering or stimulus which might promote the addiction of the player. The player won't be lured with bonus points, but the general knowledge, talent and concentration will be promoted. The result should be a reasonable bonus distribution. The computer program forces a personalized registration and a secure bank account and at the same time a secure online and offline connection, nothing will be lost. (39)
Tips, texts, pictures and videos etc. point towards youth protection and contain at the same time hidden points. This is how the player can invest his time into evasive games and does not fall prey to criminal activity or self-damaging behavior, because nothing is more worthy of protection than human life. (40)
© An important aspect of the work is the boss key in the program / keyboard with which sports wagering and gambling can be blocked for children and teenagers and be replaced by a learning game, a book or safari/google. This invention should be firmly installed in every keyboard for right and left handers, easily navigable by pushing the shift-key (2-times Shift ⇧ or cmd/strg) on the right or on the left. This is where Apple and Microsoft are needed. (41)
How do gambling machines look like? (42)
The machines are equipped with gambling software and merely offer jackpot or extra games. The machines suddenly stop in the middle of the game for short or long breaks in shutdown and the user is not able to play anymore or must continue with another machine which causes frustration and anger. No tips pointing out addiction danger or an opportunity of evasion exist for the player. (43)
The solution should be that these tips appear in the machine. These tips offer additional games to the free rounds for a certain amount of time. At the same time the user can log in with a code at the machine and gamble away the points on site. The technical conversion should not be too difficult because the machines already contain this code keyboard. No barriers and breaks exist, but different tips offering points. The work contains many possibilities which make the game on the machine more attractive and diverts the frustration into a good mood. The tiresome breaks and barriers and limitations have therefore come to an end. Already the tips given by the machines offers the player great help. (44)
How does a uniform solution look like? (45)
The concessions and originator's licenses are awarded based on demanding requirements and safety precautions. These may be awarded only if the technical and formal conditions are fulfilled and the work is used appropriately. Then every supplier, sectors with residence and head office receive a concession and license in their own country. On this occasion, only one identity card is considered in case of a double citizenship and the double citizenship is to be declared. Only with this concession and license, the sector can apply for concession and operate worldwide. The supplier has to present this concession and license to the other country. In every country, taxes and copyright fees must be paid. (46)
The restricted main license are entitled alone to distribute new and other suppliers from one country to the other and to let them run their business operations under their own name granted that all charges are to be paid and to charge their own sub-license fees. The work features calculations, representations and sketches which specify all levels. The release applies to sports wagering and gambling equally in all countries which permit sports wagering and gambling. This is up to the countries. (47)
The measures taken today in view of the technical circumstances is that on the Internet and locations worldwide a uniform tax of 5% for sports wagering and gambling shall be levied. Other areas are already covered in the work. (48)
The new laws of sports wagering and gambling and addiction-causing games are to be equally applied like traffic and copyright law. (49)
Therefore some sort of assurance exists not only for the machines, but also for the programs, locations, for the players and their relatives due to evasive games and tips. This branch should organize trainings in different levels, as without doers "bookmakers" there can be no sports wagering. The up until now not common professional lawyers in the area of sports wagering and gambling and many other gaps can thereby be filled. (50)
Wealth can be generated by billions in taxes and copyright fees (taxation) in every country which can be invested again to benefit the people and the infrastructure. By the originator's licenses the suppliers will generate huge amounts. These levels could not be sourced because there were no inventions and copyrights. For something that is unlawful, there can be no patents which just has changed. (51)
The copyright law and the inventions allow for the system to function (§§53, 54 UrhG). It enables a uniform legal approach and only the licenses allow the partners to freely operate. Without these rights, the uniform control system as well as the corresponding laws are missing which will lead to gaps and not generate the desired advantages. One or the other would function, but without a clear guideline based on the existing copyright law, no advantages can be created. (52)
The whole tells us, that gold and ground are not the source of wealth, but humanity and the laws which guide it. Only if the wheel turns, there is a movement and without movement there is no life. The wheel must be carried to the right road instead of letting it slip. (53)
This international system and these new inventions and
development create a WIN WIN effect for everybody. The copyright law offers all countries the desired uniform structures, as well as the stable, constant tax income and the suppliers and players the desired presence and acceptance. The hide-and-seek has come to an END! (54)
The suppliers, the players and their relatives enjoy a never before seen degree of security. The generations are warned up front of the dangers on the Internet and everywhere in sports wagering, gambling and addiction-causing games. The work deals with tolerance and the growing closer together of the earth as well as a safe and secure Internet world without somebody being disadvantaged. (55)
Sport remains sport and it connects humanity, which is why there is no space for manipulation ! (56)
I assure that I have written this work independently and have used no one else except my own work and ideas to write it. Any other sources that i have taken advantage of, have been listed under references. The work has not been written in the same or similar form by anybody else before and 70% of it was published by me in 2012. The work is a personal intellectual creation and has not been made available by anybody else. (57)
Prof. h.c. Dr. mult. Yildiz (58)
Herewith the countries are asked to award the concessions only in connection with the originator's licenses and to implement the preserved work according to the copyright law and withhold the applicable taxes. (59)
Other tax rates and needs require an agreement by both sides. The federal states which would like to offer sports wagering and gambling independently can organize its implementation and proceed independently. (60)
Herewith all sectors in the area of the sports wagering and gambling are requested for the last time to pay the copyright fees of 8 % of the monthly turnover from the moment of publication - website 4/3/2012 and November, 2012 Automatenmarkt p. 113 (a dispute has not been submitted) - and to apply for a license in writing or cease activity in this area (61)
Copyright © 2002 Urheberrechtshinweis
Sports wagering and gambling and all contents of this work, in particular the inventions, texts, logo, representations, sketches are protected by copyright etc. The copyright belongs, unless expressly noted otherwise, to Jéylyn Yildiz. The use of the work needs the written permission by Jéylyn Yildiz. Offenses against the copyright, are punishable according to §§106 ff. UrhG and must be repaired by paying damages (§97 UrhG) to the above mentioned originator. In this case, a prior notice is not required. If no reaction occurs, a demand for penalty is made according to §109 UrhG concerning all possible offenses. (62)
Copyright LOGO (63)
For addiction causing games, a different set of rules shall be made. (64)
The contact information can be found within the imprint. (65)
Work (66)
Literary Works (1. - 12.)
1. Wetten wir win mit WIN WIN
2. Gambling addiction - the brain, genes and time
3. Linguistic work software sports wagering and gambling, addiction-enhancing online games
4. Software sports wagering and gambling
concept featuring different approaches (provided by the software company in Dusseldorf)
5. concept featuring different approaches (provided by the software company in Dusseldorf)
6. Protection of children and teenagers, addiction prevention, idea and advertisement
7. Representations and portfolio of the countries etc.
8. supplier and mediator and locations and country
9. Sketch 5% tax EU / Worldwide
10. Copyright fees and taxes at all levels
11. International system Internet, computer program, machine, locations etc.
12. Calculations and results concerning all levels and a lot more …
Copyright © 2002 - 2025 Sportwetten & Glücksspiele by Prof. h.c. Dr. mult. Yildiz all rights reserved
Datum first up 04.03.2012, Second 31.12.2019 (18:18 Uhr)